Review: Edith Finch

Edith Finch is like nothing you will have played before. Simply, you could describe it as a ‘walking simulator’, those that have become increasingly popular over the last few years. So what is Edith about? Well…

The story for Edith revolves around a family in America, the Finches no less, and their seemingly cursed family tree. You experience the life of each different family member from their individual, and certainly, unique perspective and ways. These range from the 1900’s all the way to present day.
You play as Edith, who is trying to understand and figure out how and why, that she is the last Finch alive.
After seeing the game so long ago, it really did pique my interest, its just…hmmm… different. Is it good? Yes! Should you play it? Absolutely. Would it benefit from a good chat to a few people after, who have played and finished it? You bet.
So how does Edith tell her story? Each one unfolds within the Finch house, in locked rooms that you have to gain entry to, to start the story of the room’s previous inhabitant. These stories are told in very different ways than I have seen before. Each so rich in details, and as you progress you discover more secret passages, rooms, items. It becomes like a sort of treasure hunt.
The subject matter of Edith Finch is one that isn’t easily broached, the death of a friend or family member can have such profound effects on a person, so to see it being told and each person’s death explained with real gentleness is quite something. There was one particular story that really got me, my cheeks were moist with tears, but I will leave you to discover who and why that was.
There is a real magical nature to how the stories are told, for example, in one I was chopping fish on a processing line while simultaneously directing myself around a maze. I so want to say more, but Edith is a special tale that needs to be experienced by you.
It’s not overly long and can certainly be done in one sitting. But you will certainly play it again, and it is absolutely worth picking up. Edith Finch is a beautiful game indeed, frequently I simply stopped ‘playing’ and just looked around so get that share button ready!
Finally, the audio… Jeff Russo has excelled with the soundtrack to Edith Finch, hauntingly beautiful, perfectly matching the gameplay and never overstaying its welcome. Rich, wonderful pieces that interject the story at just the right moments and with just the right amount of heart.
So to finish, to put it simply, grab this the second you can, and go buy the soundtrack too! You can hear me chat to Jeff on our podcast which will be live on the site over the next few days.

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